Controversy hits  Buzzfeed fame  Try Guys

 In which one member, Ned Fulmer, was exited from the group after being caught having an affair with a subordinate.

Fulmer, Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, and Eugene Lee Yang were all video fellows at BuzzFeed.

 which was essentially a sweatshop in which editors, producers, and directors produced content with the personality of an Old Navy commercial

Keith and Zach, two of the Try Guys, address the subtext in an October 6 podcast discussing the fervour surrounding the gossip.

Habersberger says they plan to "shift our content into things that are more directly aligned with these outside projects we've been doing" after the new year.

Kornfeld is also pitching a TV show and attempting to film a short film. Aside from being a parent.