7 facts you need to know about Raleigh shooting

A mass shooting in Raleigh left at least five people dead and three more injured, including the 15-year-old alleged gunman.

In addition to the Raleigh police force, multiple other agencies were tapped to assist in the manhunt for the suspect.

Police provided scant details on Thursday about how the arrest took place, issuing updates only through their Twitter account where they first warned residents in the affected areas  

“He had to be between 13 and 16 max – he was a child,” said a woman of the Raleigh neighbourhood and believes she saw the suspected shooter.

The suspect was taken into custody with life-threatening injuries by Raleigh police on Thursday at approximately 9.37pm.

President Biden on Friday expressed his condolences to those mourning the losses in North Carolina, saying federal agencies are working to help local authorities. But he also said, "Enough."

 In June, the U.S. adopted its first major gun safety legislation in decades.  Now, Biden said,  "It's time to do more.  We must pass an assault weapons ban,"